- In Irish mythology Newgrange
is referred to as Brugh na Bóinne, "Palace
of the Boyne" , and is presented as a sídhe or an
otherworld abode of gods and goddesses. Later on in folklore,
it became known as Uaimh na Greine, "The Cave of
the Sun". Newgrange was originally inhabited by Elcmair
who was ousted by Dagda. Dagda [The good god] was married to
Bóand (the Cow Goddess) after whom the Boyne river is
named. Their son Aengus who was harper to the gods and friend
to poets also resides there, thus it became known as Brugh
- Five thousand years
after its construction circa 3200 BC , Newgrange still welcomes
the Winter solstice light into its magnificent corbelled chamber
on the shortest day. Its astronomical orientation and huge array
of magnificently carved stones, some of which are calendars depicting
the cycles of the heavens, enchant and intrigue us in many ways.
This functioning astronomically aligned Cairn and ritual centre
predates the Pyramids and Stonehenge and is truly one of the
wonders of the ancient world.
- Known since under various
names, such as "Spiral Castle" "Wonder Hill",
"Temple", Newgrange was built as a ritual celebration
of the annual Winter Solstice sunrise. It is a powerful symbol
of Creation, Birth, Death and Rebirth - of the year, the phases
of the moon, and the lives of all beings. The symbol of the Triple
Spiral encapsulates much of this sacred significance. At the
Solstice, the "celestial sun " travels down the passage-entrance
as a shaft of golden light, entering the 'womb' of the earth
at the time of greatest darkness. This is a powerful union of
the heavenly and the earthly , of spirit and matter, symbolizing
creation. In Solstice ceremonies, people enacted the participation
of humans in this creative process.
- The symbol of the Triple
Spiral is perhaps the most powerful representation of this sacred
heritage. As a true symbol its meaning goes far beyond the limitations
of verbal expression. This wood-block print is produced
by Stonelight which has been exploring the Megalithic Astronomy,
Art and Spiritual Anthropology of Ireland for many years. Stonelight
is based at Riverstown in County Sligo, North-western Ireland.
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