- Stonelight,
was founded by Martin Brennan and Toby Hall, as a megalithic
research body. Martin came to Ireland mid 1970's with the task
of researching his ancestral megalithic roots. The following
ten years of research lead to many exciting and important discoveries.
The most dramatic of these being the equinox and cross quarter
day solar events when the rising sun shines down the passage
ways of Cairns "T" & "L" at Loughcrew
in County Meath. These spectacular discoveries along with similar
solar discoveries at Knowth, and Dowth form the backbone of Martin's
second book The Stars and the Stones, which was first published
by Thames and Hudson and is currently available as The Stones
of Time, Bear Books.
- There
has been and still exists in Ireland an Archaeological and academic
tradition to refer to our ancient megalithic Cairns as "tombs".
From mythological times through all the ages there has also been
a thread of researchers and antiquarians who have felt that to
label these 5000 plus year old cairns "tombs" was selling
them short and infact technically incorrect. This is not to deny
that burial and ancestor
was not important to the megalithic constructors. The analogy
of burials around or in a church or Cathedral does not turn that
Ritual Sacred Building into a Tomb. Stonelight has been endeavoring
to have the present day physical guardians of these sites recognize
them as sacred sites and drop the inappropriate Tomb title from
the cairns. This has proven to be a much more difficult task
than one would expect.
- When
the Stars and the Stones was reviewed in the Sunday Tribune Newspaper
in December 1983 by a leading Irish archaeologist under the title "Stone
Mad" she opened her "review"-- "As an archaeologist
I find myself at a loss as how to attempt a review of this book
or say anything favorable about it beyond the fact that it is
well produced.This however is something we have come to expect
from the publishing firm concerned" tough stuff but this
vitriol did not stop the same lady from bringing a group of her
students up to Loughcrew to witness the Brennan discovered sunbeam
travel across
engraved backstone! Pictured below left. This dramatic happening
awakened many people to the realization that these enegmatic Cairns where
now being revealed irrefutiably as solar obseveratories, witnessing
the sun
pass across the backstone in Cairn T leaves one in little doubt
that this 5000 year old is far more than a tomb, futher key day alignments
in cairns built up a picture that the many Cairns were each
to specific solar and lunar risings and setting. The detail in
these observations goes far beyond the relatively basis sundialing
required for agricultural and day keeping purposes. So these
sites could now be proven to be not primarily tombs but at least
highly accurate observatories.

- This
kind of thinking is what lies behind the inabilty to recognise
our sacred heritage as more than a collection of cemetaries!
We have often though of the saying, "Revealed truth is first
ridiculed, later resisted and finally becomes self evident"
it is all the more astonishing when Newgrange has been sited
from earliest times as an "abode of the Gods" and reachers
such as Vallancy and Borlase, author of the wonderful Dolmens
of Ireland have repeatedly expressed the opinion that these great Cairns were not primerally
designed as Tombs, this trickle of more than tombs theorists
has grown to
movement now consisting
believe the majority of people visiting the Sacred sites, new
signposts at many sites like the Cairns at Carrowkeel talk of the "cemetary".
We as at Stonelight would be appeciative of support in our aim
to get the great Cairns to be called Cairns and not Tombs. This
falls along way short of calling them Temples which many would
argue is fair enough.
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images & text, copyright Stonelight 1999
launched 30th June 1999.