![]() Answers 11-20 ![]() | |
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![]() Questions and Answers 11-20 are here, in reverse chronological order.
Question 20 | Answer |
Question posted December 9, 2000
My son is 27 years old and has for over 1 year noticed that his
fingers on both hands have been shaking quite visibly. I might add that he has been a
drinker of alcohol for some years and at times drank quite heavily. He had been prescribed
some tablets whilst in Australia for these symptoms the tablets are Noten and they have
stopped the shaking for periods of 24 hours at a time, but on returning to England our family
GP is reluctant to prescribe anything for my son who I feel needs to have these symptoms
My question to you doctor is this, "does the symptoms my son has indicate Parkinsons disease
or some other serious disorder. I would appreciate an early reply as we are quite concerned
for our son's health.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Answer posted December 11, 2000
There are a number of causes of tremor. The commonest form is benign
essential tremor where the tremor is most obvious holding or reaching for an
object. PD tremor is a rest tremor eased by action. Alcohol usually eases
essential tremor for a brief while. For proper assessment the tremor needs
to be seen.
Dr. T. Lynch
Question 19 | Answer |
Question posted December 7, 2000
Is there a blood test that will confirm Parkinson's?
Answer posted December 11, 2000
No. The confirmation of PD is based on clinical assessment looking
for some
of the cardinal signs - rest tremor, slowness, stiffness, poor balance,
stooped posture or freezing. A definitive diagnosis can only be made by the
demonstration of Lewy bodies (pink inclusions within neurons) within brain
cells. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a brain imaging technique that
can help to confirm PD. Dr. T. Lynch
Question 18 | Answer |
Question posted November 23, 2000
My dad started displaying the symptoms of PD quite early on but was
not diagnosed with [juvenile] PD until age 55 and even then due to poor supervision of
effects of Sinemet by his neurologist he truly had very poor quality of life. However,
due to research on the internet plus additional research by my sister-in-law, Dr Lynda
Sisson here in Dublin, he ended up going to Dr Robert Iacono in California for a pallidotomy.
After a 20-min procedure at Loma Linda University Hospital, the change was amazing.
Dr Iacono also checked my dad's medication and altered it to suit (adding Prozac to the list),
plus gave him advice on his diet and exercise routines. This was a couple of years ago now and
you know what he became a completely different person--no longer depressed all the time,
no longer afraid to go out and meet people, no longer afraid to stand up and speak about
how he was feeling, and even able to take care of his grandson (my son born in July 99 and
actually his one and only grandchild) on his own whenever he comes to visit.
Of course the pallidotomy on its own would have been of no use if his medication was not
continually monitored and upon his return to England, my sister has also managed to get him
under the care of a much better neurologist in London, Dr Bain.
My question is this: why are doctors in England and Ireland so afraid to recommend this
procedure and look at it as a solution only when "all else fails"?
My dad tried to get the op done in Bristol originally but ended up going home in tears since
the doctor had been so negative about it. Thank God he didn't give up hope however, because
when I look at the dad I got back -- ok so he'll never be what he used to be and my whole
family has come to accept that BUT and it is a big BUT -- he is doing so much better than he
was prior to the op! Quality of life has improved more than 100% (he'd tell you that himself),
and so what if it has to be done again--I was there with him all through prep for the op and it
was scary but certainly worth every single minute and every single penny!
Answer posted November 29, 2000
I am sorry to hear that your father had early difficulties with his
medications. Pallidotomy is an effective procedure for unilateral
dyskinesias or tremor. It is less effective for poor balance and slowness.
It is a good operation if done on the right patient. Some patients should
not have this form of surgery because of confusion or poor memory. The
physician should always look critically at these new treatments and select
appropriate patients carefully. It seems that pallidotomy may soon be
surpassed by deep brain stimulation operation. Therefore this kind of
treatment for PD is continually evolving and patients should be cautious
before opting for them.
We hope to be doing these procedures next year at Beaumont Hospital with Mr
Pidgeon and myself coordinating the programme.
Dr. T. Lynch
Question 17 | Answer |
Question posted November 10, 2000
Do people die of Parkinson's?
Is the last stage refusing to walk at all?
Does Parkinson's lower blood pressure?
Answer posted November 19, 2000
The life expectancy of somebody with treated PD is probably normal so
patients usually die of something else. It is hard to comment on the "last
stage" as this varies. PD patients are more prone to immobililty especially
following injury or surgery however they usually do not "refuse to walk".
PD patients can have lightheadedness on standing because of a drop in BP
especially when on the dopamine agonists (Permax, Requip, Parlodel,
Symmetrel, Mirapexin).
Dr. T. Lynch
Question 16 | Answer |
Question posted November 6, 2000 What are the causes of Parkinson's disease and how does the disease affect the well-being and life style of the patient's family? |
Answer posted November 13, 2000
This is a very open ended question that is one of the main focus of research
into PD. There is no one answer. However it is likely that there are
genetic and envirnomental factors contributing to PD. The patient probably
has an inherited predisposition followed by exposure to some envirnomental
trigger. This results in progressive loss of dopamine-producing brain cells
and ultimately the symptoms of PD.
PD can have variable effects on patient's family. It depends on the stage
of disease, how severe the symptoms are and whether there is any cognitive
It is not possible to comment more without specific questions
Dr T. Lynch
Question 15 | Answer |
Question posted November 6, 2000
I had a intermittent trembling in my left thumb for two years-only
if I would hold it rigid. I am now on Wellbutrin and I have trembling in all my fingers
and wrists only at times and in no way does it interfere with daily living. When I was
holding a page from the paper, my thumb trembled and the paper shook slightly. My wrists
were trembling too. What type of trembling would mine be classified as? Thankyou.
Answer posted November 13, 2000
Tremor can be present at rest, posture holding or action. Without seeing
your tremor it is impossible to comment on the cause of your tremor.
The commonest cause of tremor is benign essential tremor (best characterised
by Katherine Hepburn the actress). It is worse with posture holding (e.g.
holding a paper) and action whereas PD tremor is present at rest and is
usually eased by action.
Dr T. Lynch
Question 14 | Answer |
Question posted October 16, 2000
I have been seeing a neurologist for the past year or so for symptoms of curling under
of the toes on my left foot when exercising or walking, and rigidity in my left arm
(lack of arm swing, fine motor skill problems, etc.).
I have been on medications of Mirapex, Sinemet, and Permax. I am currently on Sinemet and
Permax. My doctor told me last week, after I put her on the spot, that she thinks I have left
side Parkinsons. I am not sure if that meant she diagnosed me with it, or if she just
"suspects" it.
Oh, I also have some shaking of the left hand and wrist, which I first noticed when I would
get up in the morning and yawn, or when I was cold and would shiver -- my left arm would shake
very noticeably. I also noticed over time that I had lost some of my fine motor skills in my
left arm. On one occasion, I was playing basketball and went to make a "travel" call
(ie. circling my hands rapidly) and my left hand/arm just kind of went up and down and
I could not get it to circle around my right. It was very strange, and I must admit that
since I have been on my current medication, this has gone away. Much of my shaking of the
left arm/hand has also gone away, although it occasionally happens.
I would like to get your opinion on the following:
Answer posted October 16, 2000
Dr Donald Calne
Phone: 604 822 7967
Dr. T. Lynch
Question 13 | Answer |
Question posted September 26, 2000
My mother has recently been treated for Parkinson's with Sinemet Plus (thrice daily).
Her only symptom is a tremor in her right arm. The tremor is quite violent and results
in cramps and upper arm pain. Emotion, types of movement, exercising weight on the arm act
as triggers.
The speed with which the tremor developed was three months, as opposed to a slow progression,
which I believe is the norm. The drug worked initially, however after 5 days the tremor was
as bad as ever, even immediately after taking the drug.
She is very frightened, and is now prone to panic attacks. The fear of the unknown
is terrifying.
I would like to have her reassessed.
My questions are:
Kind Regards.
Answer posted September 28, 2000
Tremor is one of the most difficult symptoms to treat. Not uncommonly
Sinemet fails to suppress the tremor of PD. With anxiety the tremor will
invariably "break though" the medication.
It is not for me to recommend alternative opinions I would be happy to see
your mother if you wish. Her GP could write a letter of referral.
Alternatively Dr Brian Sweeney and Hugh Harrington in Cork have a keen
interest in Parkinson's disease. Also Dr Liston in Tralee General Hospital
has a lot of experience in PD.
Dr. T. Lynch
Question 12 | Answer |
Question posted September 19, 2000 I was sent to a neurologist for confirmation on my having P.D. and the doctor told me I was too young to have it. Is this true? I thought that young onset could happen to people before they were 40 years old? My general practioner said I have most the symptoms of P.D. then the Neuro says I am too young no matter what my symptoms are. I felt like he just wanted me out of the office. Is he right? am I too young? (I am 39). |
Answer posted September 20, 2000
Parkinsonism (slowness, stiffness, tremor and poor balance) can occur before
the age of 40. There are different causes of parkinsonism including
Parkinson's disease. It can occur before 40, although rarely.
I have started a study into young onset Parkinson's disease at the Mater
Hospital. We would like to identify patients with young onset and assess
them. We also plan to take a blood sample (with permission) for DNA
extraction and storage. We would like to look at genetic factors in
Parkinson's disease.
Dr. T. Lynch
Question 11 | Answer |
Question posted September 15, 2000
Our mother has not got severe
disease, and, in fact, only recently, she has a shake in her hand
but it is obvious in her walk. Last year she suffered
from depression and was prescribed Cipramil 10mg which worked
for a time. This summer she experienced more severe depression
and is now on 30mg of Cipramil. She also takes Sinemet 275 -
4 times a day along with Serc 16mg 3 times a day and Dulax
and Senokot for bowels. She has been referred to the local
psychiatric hospital where they prescribed Xanax 3 times a
day along with sleeping tablets Zimovane 7.5mg.
Even with all this, she is still extremely distressed and
anxious, she feels that life is not worth it. She wants the Doctor regularly
and needs reassurance constantly from medical persons.
We would appreciate any help and/or assistance you could give
us, it breaks our hearts to see her like this and we know she
wants to go to hospital where she can feel safe but no one
seems to want her.
Please could you recommend someone or somewhere for our
I await your response, |
Answer posted September 27, 2000
This is a very difficult problem. Anxiety and depression commonly occur as
part of PD. Sometimes as the medication wears off the anxiety increases as
part of the "off" time period. Your mother probably needs to be seen by a
psychiatrist and a neurologist who work close together. By a combined
approach a combination of medication may be found that suits her. It is
difficult to be more specific as the management at this stage in the disease
has to be individualised. I note she is on a moderately high dose of L-dopa
(1000mg), Serc, Xanax and Zimovane. Serc is usually of limited benefit in
PD but can be of help in vertigo. Xanax and Zimovane can have an addictive
effect and high dose L-dopa can result in agitation, confusion, paranoia and
hallucinations. Therefore a careful reassessment of all these medications
may help. Finally exclusion of an atypical form of parkinsonism should be
Dr. T. Lynch
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