Welcome to the Seaver Family (Irish Branch) website. Tá fáilte romhat! Family history is always fascinating. Ours is no different. We hope that, while browsing through this website, you will derive lots of pleasure from the experience. While studying the family trees, you may discover pieces of information you were unaware of. First and foremost, you will be interested in discovering your own slot in the extended family. There are gaps here and there and you may be able to help us in filling these in. This is particularly the case with the Rogerstown branch of the family. Even if you are an outsider, with no family affiliation, you may concern yourself simply with the origins and genealogy of the Seaver clan. You will find lots to interest you in the symbols of the family crests.
There are, of course, many branches of the Seaver clan, even in Ireland. There are families with the added 's' - the Seavers clan. They will also be included if their members so desire. Then there are the Seaver families in the United Kingdom, in the countries of the Commonwealth, and, not least, in the United States of America. Many of these families have their own websites, which are readily accessible through Google and otherwise. We are concerned here primarily with the Irish Seavers.

Are the various Seaver families connected genealogically? Was there a common ancestor? What is the meaning of the name? Surnames similar to Seaver, such as Seager, Seagrave, Seward and others, are sometimes thrown into the cauldron of discussion. Are they connected by blood to the Seaver clan? Where do they fit into the scheme of things? The answers to these questions sometimes raise controversy and are difficult to answer definitively in the absence of universal agreement among genealogists.
If this website succeeds in motivating you to inquire more deeply into your family history, it will be an objective achieved on the part of its editors. You may write to us and ask for information. No doubt, you will find mistakes and omissions. Contact us and tell us about them. However, do take into consideration that, even though the editors are retired people, they cannot devote all their time and resources to conducting research, answering letters and posting material to correspondents - at least not without something to cover our costs! Bearing this in mind, we may be asking correspondents to make a contribution to the website before we send the requested information to them.