Changing from Magneto Ignition to a Standard Ignition System
Received on 21 September 2001, Posted on 23 September 2001
From:- JD, USA
Basically, all you need to do to
the wiring is: -
Cut the wire going from the condenser to the existing supercoil on
the magneto - be sure to cut it between the coil and the condenser so
that the condenser is still wired to the points.
From the points run a wire to the negative post on the new coil.
This is done easily by disconnecting the grounding, or engine cut-off
switch and attaching what once was the magneto ground wire to the new
coil. (This, I assume, still allows the points to control the timing
and also keeps the condenser in the circuit which, again I am assuming,
is necessary.)
Then simply run a wire from the positive post on the new coil to
the battery or the most accessible source of 12 volts.
Webmaster's Note: - Terminal 54 on the ignition switch is probably
With this system the grounding switch is
obsolete, in short a new system for stopping the engine must be
developed. Webmaster's Note: - If you've used Terminal 54 on the
ignition switch, you can omit this step. I find it most convenient
to install a switch in the line from the battery to the new coil, when
you are ready to kill the engine then you turn the switch and stop the
voltage from reaching the new coil.
With this system a dead
battery will result in a dead engine.........