The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Simple to Assemble

If the following guidelines are followed, 100 of these ‘simple to assemble’ scapulars can be assembled and packed in an hour! If you can find a way of assembling 100, in less than an hour, then we would love to hear from you. Also, we can get a lot more scapulars out much quicker if we don’t have to assemble them…so please help !
Many hands make light work !!


We are providing a little ‘gadget’ free of charge with orders over 100 and, if used correctly, can simplify the assembling. The sticky pads will secure it to the table, with the hook facing away from you. Use the following guidelines and the assembling will become very simple, but don’t expect to get the hang of it straight away !


1) Knot the cord as close as possible to the end and tighten well; hold the other end of the knotted cord, near the end, in the right hand and,

2) with the left hand, lift two scapulars, held back to back, and let them down over the hook--- don’t let go of them----

3)catch the cord on the hook with the other hand; then pull the two pieces of the scapular up over the hook, leaving the cord caught on it; pull them about half way up the cord.

4) Let the cord slip off the hook now and hold up the two pictures, allowing the two ends of the cord to hang down on either side and then, (this is the important bit)…

5) putting the fingers of your right hand in through the cord, catch the bottom of one picture, and doing the same thing on the other side, with the fingers of your left hand, catch the bottom of the other picture

6) Pull both pictures gently and, if you have done all of the above correctly, the cord will be looped around each picture. It’s a good idea to pull the knotted end first, so that the knot sits in behind the picture; the other end can adjust itself as you pull gently.

7) Tie the cord in a bow and place the completed scapular behind the leaflet, in the plastic bag. Sticky tape not needed !


It’s very important that each scapular is accompanied by the leaflet; a person is more likely to continue wearing it, if they know the importance of the scapular and the great promise attached to it. Also, the leaflet has the words of the Morning Offering on it and this prayer, said daily, will earn great graces for the wearer of the Brown Scapular.

The wool material is the scapular; it is the garment of protection, given from Heaven, for protection in these times; it has to be worn over the shoulders to the front and to the rear.

Remember, Our Lady said to St. Dominic: "One day, through the Rosary and the Brown Scapular, I will save the world" …….So spread the word !

click   'Scapular Leaflet' to see the leaflet which goes with each Scapular .
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