The Brown Scapular                Leaflet wpe14.jpg (3648 bytes)                                                                                                     which accompanies every scapular

What all should know about….



" Whosoever dies wearing this scapular shall never suffer eternal fire"

 wpe3.jpg (12828 bytes)1.   What is the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel?

The Brown Scapular is a little garment, made of two pieces of brown woven wool, joined by strings and worn over the shoulders. The Brown Scapular was first made known by Our Lady Herself, July 16th 1251, to St. Simon Stock, according to the tradition of the Carmelite Order. wpe5.jpg (8222 bytes)

  2. What is Our Lady’s Scapular promise?

In revealing the significance of the Scapular, Our Lady spoke as follows: Receive this habit of your Order; this shall be to you and to all Carmelites a privilege that; "WHOSOEVER DIES CLOTHED IN THIS HABIT SHALL NEVER SUFFER ETERNAL FIRE".

  3.  What does the Promise mean?

Our Lady does not mean by Her promise that those who die in mortal sin will be saved. The Promise means that anyone dying in Mary’s family or Confraternity will receive through Her at the hour of death, the grace to die well.

  4.  What is necessary in order to die a member of Our Lady’s Confraternity?

In order so to die, it is necessary that we be valwpe7.jpg (5520 bytes)idly enrolled in the Confraternity, that we have worn the Scapular faithfully in life, and, above all ,that our manner of life has been worthy of Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother. Because "by Her motherly love, Mary cares for the brethren of Her Son who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers and difficulties, until they are led to their happy home in Heaven", (Constitution on the Church, n.62)

  5. Does enrolment in the Scapular have to be done by a Carmelite priest?

At one time enrolment of the Scapular had to be done by a Carmelite priest or by one holding the required faculties. Now all priests, religious or diocesan, may confer the Scapular provided they are approved for hearing confessions.

6.  Is the Scapular Medal as good as the cloth Scapular?

In the spiritual tradition of the Carmelite Order, the Scapular has always been regarded as a little garment signifying our consecration to Our Lady and Her motherly care of us. However, for grave reasons, a Scapular Medal may be worn, according to the authorisation of St. Pius X who was most anxious that no one should be deprived of the spiritual benefits of the Scapular, even though they might not be able to wear the cloth form. He added: "However, I desire most vehemently that the cloth Scapular be worn as heretofore". Also there are no miracles recorded by the wearing of the Scapular Medal.

7.   But is it not possible to attach superstitious meanings to the wearing of the Scapular?

Yes, it is. But ignorance can attach superstitious meanings to anything. It may be true that some people regard the Scapular as a charm that will secure Heaven for them in spite of their unchristian way of living. It will dowpe7.jpg (5520 bytes) nothing of the kind; the Scapular is a Sacramental: that is a material object used as a sign and signifying effects of a spiritual kind, through the intercession of the Church. The principal effect of the Sacred Scapular is to obtain Our Lady’s motherly help and protection during life and after death. But all this takes for granted that we, for our part, are trying to live in a state of friendship with God. The wearing of the Scapular is simply an open declaration that this is what we are doing. If our lives do not correspond with what the Scapular proclaims, to wear it is a mockery.

  8.   Is it necessary to say any special prayers to obtain the Promise.

No; Our Lady made the promise on behalf of those who wear the Scapular worthily and die wearing it. But we should note that this means living in a true Christian manner and practising real devotion to Our Lady. By this we prove to Her that we are Her children and merit Her loving protection.

Here is what the Vatican Council says: "Let the faithful remember that true devotion to the Blessed virgin consists neither in a fruitless and passing emotion, nor in a certain vain credulity, rather it proceeds from The True Faith by which we are led to know the excellence of the Mother of God and are moved to a filial love towards Her, and to the imitation of Her virtues." (Constitution on the Church, n. 67)

  wpe8.jpg (14564 bytes)9.   Must the Scapular be blessed each time it is renewed?

No. The Scapular is blessed by a priest when a person is first invested in it, and a new Scapular does not require another blessing.

  10. What is the Sabbatine Privilege?

This privilege applies to people who:

  • Wear the Scapular of Carmel and who die wearing it.

  • Live chaste lives according to their state in life.

  • Say the Little Office of Our Lady or (with permission of   a priest) say the Rosary each day. This is how the Church officially explained in July 1908: "It is permitted to Carmelite Fathers to preach, and Christians may believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary will extend Her motherly help to souls in Purgatory who were, while on earth, Her faithful servants. Furthermore we may believe that Her beneficence in this respect may be exercised on Saturdays, the day of the week which is specially dedicated to Her."

  wpe9.jpg (9890 bytes)11.  In what other ways do Catholics show special devotion to Our Lady?

First and foremost by the exercise of The True Faith, which leads us to appreciate the Mother of Jesus for what She truly is. Then we are moved to become like Her in some small way. According to a very old practice in the Church, the children of Our Lady show their love for Her by reciting the Rosary, visiting Her Shrines, by observing the five first Saturdays, wearing Her Scapular and Miraculous Medal, etc.

  12.  Has the Church approved of the Scapular Devotion?

The Sovereign Pontiffs have given the greatest number of approbations to the Brown Scapular, more than to any other confraternity. Pope Paul V1 wrote: "Among the practices (commended by the Second Vatican Council) we would mention by name the Marian Rosary and the devout use of the Scapular of Carmel."

wpe15.jpg (24225 bytes)Pope John Paul 11; " Through the Brown Scapular, those devoted to Our Lady of Mount Carmel express their desire to mould their existence on the example of Mary as the Mother, Patroness, Sister, Most Pure Virgin: to accept God’s word with a purified heart, and to devote themselves to the zealous service of others."

 13.  HawpeA.jpg (11582 bytes)s Our Lady Herself reminded us of the Scapular devotion?

Yes.   At the moment of the great miracle of the sun at Fatima, 13th Oct. 1917, She appeared in the garb of our Lady of Mount Carmel, reaching down towards the 70,000 witnesses present, Her centuries-old sign of affiliation, the Brown Scapular. She wants us to live the true consecration to Her which the Scapular means, to make our lives truly worthy of Her, so the Her promise of Eternal Salvation may be fulfilled for each one of us.


O my God, in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, (here kiss your Brown Scapular)I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus, from all the altars, throughout the world, joining with it the offering of my every thought, word and action of this day.
O my Jesus, I desire today to gain every Indulgence and merit I can and I offer them, together with myself, to Mary Immaculate Queen that She may best apply them to the interests of Thy Most Sacred Heart. Precious Blood of Jesus, Save us! 
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us!

Flos Carmeli                                                 wpeC.jpg (3530 bytes)
"O Beautiful Flower of Carmel, Most fruitful vine, Splendor of Heaven, holy and singular,Who brought forth the Son ofGod, ever remaining a pure Virgin. O Star of the Sea, help and protect us. Show us that you are our Mother."
(Prayer of St. Simon Stock)

 Wear your Scapular Always! The Scapular is the habit worn by those consecrated to Our Lady. "Work so that She may be loved and served by you and by the world" (Pope Pius X11) Kiss the Scapular frequently…. It is a sign of respect for Our Lady!        It is also a sign of Her Motherly protection !


The Brown Scapular is Our Lady’s Garment. When we wear it, it is a sign that we truly choose to belong to Her. It requires a special blessing from a priest. In case the priest you ask to bless and enrol you does not have the format, here it is:
Blessing of Scapular:
Priest: " The Lord be with you"
Response: "And also with you"

Priest: "May Almighty God bless these Scapulars. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (sprinkle with holy water)

Enrolment in Scapular Confraternity:
"Receive this blessed habit; praying the Most Holy Virgin, that by Her merits, you may wear it and never dishonour it; and that She may guard you from all evil and bring you to life everlasting." (Response) Amen.

"By the power granted to me, I admit you to the participation of all the spiritual good works, which through the gracious help of Jesus Christ, are performed by the religious of Mount Carmel, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," (Response) Amen. 
"May The Creator of Heaven and Earth, Almighty God, bless you, whom He has numbered  among the confraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel. We beseech Her, at the hour of your death, to crush the head of the old serpent; so that you may in the end win the everlasting palm and crown of your Heavenly Inheritance, through Christ Our Lord.     (
Response) Amen.

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