If you sent me an E-mail during 2011, then please accept my apology for not replying to you. I lost access to my Vire 7 E-mail in January 2011, and didn't recover it until 19th February, 2012. However, I'm now back in action, I've deleted over 900 spam messages, and I'm working my way through the backlog of about 40 unanswered genuine messages, so you may yet hear from me.
In April 2009 I sold my Leisure 22 and it's trusty little Vire 7 engine. Since then, my dedication to running this website has diminished a little. Nevertheless, I will continue to maintain the site for as long as people continue to visit, and I'll check my E-mails from time to time. Due to a change in my personal circumstances I have more spare time than previously, so I'll probably check daily, except when I'm away from home.
In a not-completely-successful effort to frustrate the spam-bots and reduce the amount of spam that I
get, I've disabled the direct mail link. You can't "cut and paste" it either; you'll have to type the address directly into your E-mail address line. I regret any inconvenience that this may cause.