On Motorway

(Derek Wilton driving in his paperclip car)

(Stops at traffic lights)

Derek: I better not be late for Mavis' birthday. She won't be pleased. (Another car pulls up beside Derek and revs his engine loudly)

Derek: He wants a race does he, well I'll give him a race (They both charge off as the lights turn green)

At Mallett's

Judy: I think that it's about time that we told Stan and Hilda to leave

Gary: They're not doing any harm and besides they are very good with Billy and Becky

Stan: You have two lovely kids there

Hilda: (holding Billy) This little fella reminds me of our Trevor

Stan: Let's hope he turns out better than our Trevor!

Judy: How much longer do you plan staying in Weatherfield for Hilda?

Hilda: Staying here the last few days has reminded me how much I used to love this place. I think we'll be staying around here for quite a while

Judy: Not in this house you won't be

Hilda: What are you saying Judy?

Judy: I want you out! (Hilda and Stan shocked)

On Motorway (Derek arguing with fellow driver)

Derek: You think you're great don't you (Clutches his heart) (Motorist drives away) I don't feel too good. Oh for goodness sake, I refuse to die such a farcical death. I'm going to get to Mavis' party if it's the last thing that I do!

At Hardware Store

(Greg Kelly enters)

Sally: Greg! What do you want?

Greg: I wouldn't mind a few screws please

Sally: What type?

Greg: Any type will do

Sally: Here you go

Greg: Honestly Sally, I never thought that it would come to this for you

Sally: What do you mean?

Greg: A hardware store hardly compares to owning a dynamic lingerie business

Sally: I like this hardware store

Greg: I bet you do but let's be honest you're not exactly enjoying the best of business

Sally: I'll admit that it doesn't look too good but now that I have got rid of that loser Danny I think I can make a real go of this

Greg: You need some help and I'm the man to help you

Sally: I don't know Greg. I don't think I can trust you after what you have done to me in the past

Greg: I have changed Sally, you've got to believe me

Sally: Ok Greg, I'll let you in on the business but I want a watertight contract to ensure you don't pull any stunts like you did before

Greg: That's fine by me (Greg smiles to himself)

At McDonald's

Fiona: I have made my decision Steve

Steve: Oh have you?

Fiona: I want to be with you

Steve: That's great news! (They hug and kiss)

Fiona: The only problem now is how to tell Jim...


At Mallett's

Hilda: Seeing as we are no longer welcome here we better be going

Gary: Judy didn't mean to be so rude Hilda

Hilda: I'd like to think that she has more manners than that

Stan: Be fair to them Hilda, the last thing they want is us interfering in their lives

Hilda: But I love this house. I lived here for years

Stan: I know you did but you've just got to accept that it can no longer be yours

Hilda: Maybe it can Stan. How would you like if we offered to buy the house off you (Gary and Judy shocked)


At Wilton's

Mavis: Where could Derek have got to? Trust him to go to work on my birthday

Emily: I'm sure he'll turn up Mavis

Mavis: He better. And where has Rita got to? She said that she would be here aswell

Norris: She is just locking up the shop. She should be here any minute


Audrey: Percy seems to be turning into quite the ladies man. He and Blanche are all over each other

Alf: That's a sight I'd rather not see!


Blanche: Percy...

Percy: Yes Mrs. Blanche?

Blanche: I was wondering if you...

Maud: Hello Percy

Percy: Maud! How are you? I haven't seen you for ages

Maud: I believe that you have moved back with Mrs. Bishop

Percy: I have indeed, I did miss Mrs. Bishop's wonderful cooking. It's great to be back!


Derek: Sorry I am late everyone

Mavis: Derek! Where have you been?

Derek: I got you this for your birthday Mavis (hands her a locket)

Mavis: Oh Derek (Opens it to see a picture of her and Derek) Derek! It's absolutely beautiful! (They hug and kiss)


At The Kabin (Rita in the back) (Someone enters)

Rita: I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow because we're closed

Sharon: Hi Rita

Rita: Sharon! (Rita shocked)

At Platt's (Martin enters)

Gail: There you are. I was beginning to wonder where you had got to

Martin: Gail, there is something I need to tell you

Gail: Can it wait? We're already late for Mavis' birthday party

Martin: Forget about Mavis' party, what I am about to say to you is far more important than Mavis' party

Gail: Spit it out then

Martin: I've been having an affair... (Gail shocked)


At The Kabin

Rita: So what brings you back here? It's hardly a social call

Sharon: Well Rita, I came here because I have no where else to go. Ian and I have split up

Rita: Oh have you? That dream marriage didn't last very long did it?

Sharon: Look Rita, if you're going to go on about how right you were about Ian than I may aswell leave now

Rita: I'm not that type of person Sharon but I will say this much, if you think you can crawl back into my life after what you put me through, let me tell you that you'be got another thing coming

Sharon: I see, so you won't be letting me stay with you

Rita: I didn't say that Sharon, I'll just need some time to think

Sharon: Well if that's the case then I'll have to get a room at the B&B while you're busy making up your mind


At Platt's

Gail: So let me get this straight, you've been having an affair, for how long might I ask?

Martin: About 6 months

Gail: 6 months, that's a long time (beginning to get angry) So who is it?

Martin: It's Rebecca

Gail: Rebecca! I can't believe this! She was in this house. She had dinner with us!

Martin: I'm really sorry Gail

Gail: Sorry! Not as sorry as I am! All this time you've been having an affair while Sarah was going through the pregnancy. You swine! How could you continue with it knowing that she was pregnant

Martin: We tried to stop it

Gail: Don't give me that! I bet you couldn't wait to get your slimy hands on her. Now I know why you were doing all those extra hours. Take this! (Slaps Martin hard across the face)

Martin: I supposed I deserved that

On Coronation Street

(Les playing loud music)

Derek: Excuse me there Les

Les: Yes Derek?

Derek: We are trying to have a nice quiet celebration of my wife's birthday

Les: Have you got any cake left?

Derek: No we do not

Les: Never mind, I just thought that I would ask

Derek: The thing is Les, your music is too loud

Les: Too loud, no way is this loud, this is louf (Highers the music up even more)

Derek: Cover your ears everyone! He is trying to deafen us! (Les laughs out loud)

Les: It's a free country my friend!

Derek: There is just no reasoning with the likes of you


At the B&B

Vera: I cannot believe that you are leaving Weatherfield

Judy: I know it's hard to believe Vera but Stan and Hilda made us an offer that we couldn't refuse

Gary: We shouldn't be here too long, it'll be just until we find a place of our own

Vera: You can stay for as much as you want (Jack enters with Sharon)

Jack: Vera, we have another guest

Vera: Sharon Gaskell! What brings you here?

Sharon: I need somewhere to stay while Rita decides if she'll have me back

Vera: Well if she had any sense, she would tell you to sling your hook after what you did

Jack: Vera! All she wants is somewhere to stay

Vera: Well she can then but just for a few days, we haven't got much space

Sharon: Thanks Vera

Judy: Vera Duckworth, you are such a liar!

Vera: I'm only a liar to people that I don't like!


On Coronation Street

(People leaving Wilton's)

Mavis: Thank you all for the lovely presents and thank you all for coming

Des: Mavis! I have your present!

Mavis: Oh Des, you shouldn't have (Mavis opens it)

Derek: A gnome! I'd rather not have anymore gnomes after the last time

Norris: Derk, to this very day I regret my prank with the gnome

Des: So do all the viewers of Coronation Street. It was an awful storyline!


Blanche: Bye Percy!

Maud: Bye Percy! Now let me tell you something Blanche Hunt, Percy and I go back a long way, and I am not having you ruin my chances of happiness

Blanche: Excuse me Maud, but if Percy prefers me to you then that will be your problem and nobody else's

Des: If Percy has any sense, he'll stay well clear of the both of you old battleaxes! (Maud and Blanche shocked)


Audrey: I just want to pop over to Gail's. I haven't seen her for a while

Alf: Just make sure it's a short visit


Outside Platt's

Gail: Get the hell out of my house (Throws his clothes onto the street)

Martin: Gail, if you would just calm down and let me explain

Gail: There is nothing to explain Martin, you slept with Rebecca and you are a lying cheating rat, now get out of my sight and don't come back! (Everyone shocked)

Audrey: That swine!

Les: Looks like Florence is homeless now!

Alf: Be quiet Les!

At The Kabin

(Emily enters)

Emily: There you are! Where have you been? You have missed all the excitement. Martin Platt has just been thrown out by Gail for having an affair

Rita: Has he?! That is a surprise. I've had my own problems

Emily: What's the matter?

Rita: It's Sharon, she's back and I don't know whether to forgive her or tell her to

get lost...

Cast List

Derek Wilton

Judy Mallett

Gary Mallett

Stan Ogden

Hilda Ogden

Sally Webster

Greg Kelly

Fiona Middleton

Steve McDonald

Mavis Wilton

Emily Bishop

Norris Cole

Audrey Roberts

Alf Roberts

Blanche Hunt

Percy Sugden

Maud Grimes

Rita Sullivan

Sharon Gaskell

Gail Platt

Martin Platt

Les Battersby

Vera Duckworth

Jack Duckworth

Des Barnes