Property Marking Number

A property marking number is simply a specific number used to identify your property. We recommend that you use your date of birth and initials. For example: -

The items that should be marked are those most likely to be stolen, especially portable electrical and mechanical goods. In the event of your property being stolen and later recovered, as often happens, the Gardaí will have no trouble in matching the property with its rightful owner.

Property Marking

You can mark your property with any of the following: -

  1. An ultra-violet pen
  2. An electric engraver
  3. An indelible marker
  4. An etching marker
  5. A series of metal punches

The precise method should depend on the nature of the property that you are marking; on whether or not it is glass, metal, wood, fabric, etc. There may be some items of property that you do not want to mark, because of their individual character or value, e.g. crystal, items of jewellery or antiques. These items should be photographed.

If you want to know more about the property marking scheme, contact your local Garda Station.

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