The Naval Service celebrates its 50th annivesary
The Dublin Branch of The Naval Association were asked by the Flag Officer Naval Service to form a committee with a view to holding an event in Dublin (being the capital city) to celebrate the Naval Service's
50th Annivesary.
The event was a Maritime Festival at the City Quay area and this was the first time such a festival was held in Dublin.
The South City Quays were closed for four days to enable the festival to take place.
Many Tall Ships arrived in Dublin for the Festival, Sir Francis Drakes flagship "The Golden Hinde", the "Sir Winston Churchill", and the "HMS Rose" from the United States, as well
as several warships from other Countries.
.....The Golden Hinde.............. Sir Winston Churchill.......................... HMS Rose.......
The Naval Service Pipe Band at the launch of the Festival
A very fine Maritime Exhibition was held in the Riverside Centre on the Quays in conjunction with the Festival. Many musical events took place over the weekend and Guinness provided their famous Gig-Rig as a stage for the performing bands and musical events. On the Saturday and Sunday nights, a full 60 piece Orcherstra entertained the Visitors. On the Sunday morning there was the Festival Mass, celebrated by the Arch-Bishop of Dublin, followed by the blessing of the visiting fleet of vessels.
A highlight of the Festival was a banquet in the State rooms of Dublin Castle which was attended by over 200 guests including representatives from the visiting vessels.
The Irish Army No.1 Band and the Pipe Band of the Irish Naval Service provided the music for the evening.
Members of the Naval Association, who organised the 50th Anniversary Naval Celebrations in Dublin,
at the "thank you" dinner, hosted by Commodore John Kavanagh (Flag Officer Irish Naval Service.)
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