can the Internet be used to help learn Mathematics?
This page refers to topics covered in the first major State examination in Mathematics in Ireland, which is the Junior Certificate Examination. (For visitors to Ireland: This exam is taken at age 15 (approximately) following three years of study in Secondary school.)
Here you will find links to Internet sites that can contribute either to the introduction, exposition or revision of the main topic headings for the Junior Cert. Exam.
Note that Calculators are not allowed in the Junior Cert. Maths Exam. Calculators will be allowed in the Junior Cert. Maths Exam 2003 and onwards.
Junior Certificate Examination in Mathematics
[Please Note (From Feb '02): Many of the links made in the early stages of creating these pages have ceased to operate. Apologies.]
Paper I
Measurement (Length, Area, Volume, …)
Algebra (Simplification, Substitution, Solving equations, Factoring, Word problems, …)
Statistics (Bar charts, Pie charts, Mean, Mode, …)
Graphs/Functions (Arrow graphs, Cartesian graphs (using the x-axis and the y-axis), Functional notation (using f(x) and variations of this notation), …)
Sets (Set notation, Problem solving with sets, Venn diagrams, …)
Arithmetic1 (Computation without a calculator, Use of Official Tables of Squares, Square Roots and Reciprocals, …)
Paper II
Arithmetic2 (Applications of calculations to Money, Compound Interest, Ratio, Percentages, …)
Geometry (Euclidean geometry theorems and proofs, Constructions with ruler and compass, Set point transformations - symmetries, translations, rotations, …)
Co-ordinate geometry of the Line and co-ordinate geometry formulae (Use of formulae for measuring distance between points, area of a triangle, slope of a line, equation of a line, Transformations of points using translation and symmetries, …)
Trigonometry (Right angled triangles, Direction (compass points), Sine Rule for non-right angled triangles, …)
Observation: The course is examined at three levels - Foundation, Ordinary, Higher. Not all the material mentioned above within each topic is examined at the first two levels although each topic is dealt with at each level.
These links cover only some of the detail which is contained within the Junior Cert. Mathematics course. As useful links are found they will, hopefully, be added on. Resources for teachers Help with Geometer’s Sketchpad
Skoool (Special site for Irish L. Cert and J. Cert )
Page created by Neil Hallinan