1. Home Economics (Social & Scientific) has a reputation as being an 'easy' subject.  It is not. There is a lot of learning associated with this subject.  The exam tests this knowledge plus an understanding of the information learnt. 
  2. Cooking is an important section of this course.  The examiners assume that quite a lot of class time has been devoted to cooking. Become familiar with this section of the course.
  3. Students must answer five questions overall, two questions from each section, the fifth question can come from either section.
  4. Stop waffling and treat the subject as any other science type subject.  Learn the facts off.  Present the facts in a clear and logical manner.

TERM TOPIC:     Social Problems

Social problems are a popular theme in the Social section of the exam.
The main problems examined include alcoholism, drug abuse, delinquency and crime, homelessness, unemployment and child deprivation.
Most questions on these topics take the form of
(i) Outline the effect of the problem on the individual
(ii) Outline the effect of the problem on the family
(iii) Outline the effect of the problem on society
(iv) Describe the role of statutory bodies in this area
(v) Describe the role of voluntary agencies in this area.
Therefore, prepare the questions based on these headings at least.
Remember also that Sociology is a scientific subject and treat your answers to questions in this section with this in mind.  Many students get 'carried away' as regards the emotional aspect of these problems rather than presenting the facts they should have learnt in a calm and methodical manner.